Nowadays Everyone This game is TrueOlDSkool! Lets face it.Gone are the days when games used to be played for the sake of being just played. This game is TrueOlDSkool! Lets face it.Gone are the days when games used to be played for the sake of being just played. Buy this one, or at least give it a rental. It is a great thrill and an amazing, underrated game. If you are a real shinobi fan you should really try this one out. Crappy level desighns, Bleh, seriously, as long as you know where to go you guys should not even care.

If you watch this game, you may think it looks repetitive but don't let looks decieve you, trust me, i was disappointed when i sawa my friend play it, but when i put my hands on it i was in love with the game. Reviewers gave this game low scores because those sissies, claimed "it is to hard", my ass dude, i am playing the game on hard mode, and it is a decent difficulty level. This game is awesome, any shinobi fan would be open minded to this, this game may be repetitive as hell, but yet it is fun as hell, great This game is awesome, any shinobi fan would be open minded to this, this game may be repetitive as hell, but yet it is fun as hell, great controls, amazing game play, and a little flawed, but just enough for you to have fun, the first two levels are kind of lame, then it gets reallly fun and challenging.