Infected by a fatal virus, his clock is ticking as enemy forces threaten America's borders. Once again, Snake is recruited by the President's men to complete an impossible task: penetrate the Sodom that is L.A., retrieve the device, and eliminate Utopia. you can never return to the American mainland which has become a moral society. However, his own daughter Utopia joins forces with Cuervo, taking with her the key to a doomsday device that could send mankind back to the dark ages. Year: 1996 Rating: 14+ Genres: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction Director: John Carpenter Cast: Kurt Russell, Stacy Keach, Steve Buscemi, A.J. Like New York, Los Angeles has been turned into a prison island for the United States most undesirable criminals, like New York, Los Angeles is surrounded by a wall so no convict can escape from L.A and once deported to L.A. The President deports all immoral (and therefore criminal) citizens of the U.S to the City of Angels. Questa sera, sabato 17 giugno, alle 21.25 in prima visione su Rai 1 arriva AAA Genero Cercasi, il film francese diretto da Francois Desagnat.Nel cast presenti, tra gli altri, Kad Merad, Julie. John Carpenter directs Kurt Russell again in this sequel to 'Escape from New York.' This time out, antihero Snake Plissken (Russell) has just 10 hours to recover the key to a doomsday device from. 1981’s Escape from New York was a career turning point for Russell, a former child star who hadn’t played any action hero roles before. Cast & Crew John CarpenterDirector, Screenplay and Music Debra HillProducer and Screenplay Steve BuscemiCast Peter FondaCast Cliff RobertsonCast Valeria. According to director John Carpenter, the main thing that got Escape from LA made was Kurt Russell’s dogged persistence. From this new island hell rises an army of discontent, led by brutal South American revolutionary Cuervo Jones. It’s the only time Kurt Russell has co-written a script. A massive earthquake has hit Los Angeles, leaving it in ruins and completely surrounded by water. Now, a different President is in power, and declares the United States to be a land of moral superiority: no smoking, no red meat, no freedom of religion and no unapproved marriages.

Awesome, Dear Boy: John Carpenter and Kurt Russell had so much fun working together in the past that they decided to revisit Snake Plissken to 'just have a blast'. Cast Crew Kurt Russell Snake Plissken, Producer, Writer Stacy Keach Cmdr. He based him on televangelist Pat Robertson. Malloy Steve Buscemi Map to the Stars Eddie Peter Fonda Pipeline Georges Corraface Cuervo Jones Cliff.
#Cast from escape from la movie#
Seriously can this get any sillier, the haters have regressed to a point where they act like they know nothing about movies and movie making at all.įirst they conveniently forgot the true meaning of all kinds of words from plot hole to Mary Sue, now they have forgotten the meaning of homage and inspiration as well.Ī sad day for movie fandom as a whole, when people literally throw away their brains to justify their irrational hatred.It's 16 years after Snake Plissken's rescue of the President in New York. Actor-Inspired Element: The character of the President was Kurt Russell s idea. John Carpenter ’s 1981 classic Escape From New York celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, and Collider’s Vinnie Mancuso brilliantly described why its one of the quintessential action and. Cast Kurt Russell Snake Plissken Stacy Keach Cmdr. is now an island maximum security prison off the coast of California.
#Cast from escape from la series#
It's called a homage and George Lucas was very fond of it, in fact paying homage to his favorite movies and movie makers was one of his prime motivations in creating Star Wars in the first place. Snake finds his way through the deadly wilderness with a series of guides, including Pipeline ( Peter Fonda ), a has-been surfer Taslima ( Valeria Golino ), a beautiful but doomed street person Map-to-the-Stars Eddie ( Steve Buscemi ), who is the guy to see about anything, and the exotic Hershe ( Pam Grier ), a transsexual who once befriende. Kurt Russell is back as the terminally cynical one-eyed action hero Snake Plissken who, this time, has been coerced into saving the world in Los Angeles. This continues in all other media, like animated shows, comics, novels, see the bounty hunter episode that was almost a beat by beat retelling of Seven Samurai, far beyond visual cues like the ones in LA and other movies.Īnd that Clone Wars episode was still great. All Star Wars movies contain multiple scenes that are inspired by other movies, beginning with a New Hope, nobody ever denied this, to the contrary.