Senior Citizens, Disabled Persons and Veterans' applications for property tax deductions and exemption can be downloaded from the Property Tax Forms page.New Jersey Unemployment Tax The wage base is computed separately for employers and employees. The 11.8 tax rate applies to individuals with taxable income over 1,000,000. Tax Abatement and Exemption forms are available in the Tax Assessor's office or can be downloaded from the Property Tax Forms page. New Jersey Gross Income Tax The withholding tax rates for 2022 re-flect graduated rates from 1.5 to 11.8.Includes all forms + live chat support, Ask a Tax Pro. To use the chart, find your taxable income and read across to determine your tax rate and the taxable equivalent of various tax-free yields. The 2022 tax rate is $5.458 per $100 of assessed value. 1 TurboTax Deluxe Learn More On Intuit's Website 2 TaxSlayer Premium Federal Filing Fee 25 off Premium: Was: 54.95 Now: 41.21. If your assessment has increased less than the. If you are a property owner and have questions about your property tax assessment, or need additional information on properties located in the City, please contact the Assessment Office. For your convenience there is a Payment Drop-Box (no cash please) for use during off hours at the main entrance of Borough Hall. We anticipate that the 2023 tax rate will be lower than the 2022 tax rate due to these increased property values. The Assessment Office also maintains current tax maps of the city as a public record noting all changes in ownership or character of real property. It reviews applications for tax exemptions and abatements. The Division of Assessment is responsible for establishing the value of exempt and taxable property located in the City of Trenton.